3 CBD Oil Brands We Are Lovin’


As people look towards more natural ways to ease feelings of stress and anxiety, CBD oil has been a major hype this year so far. If you aren’t sure what CBD oil is and what benefits it has, then let us enlighten you, babe. CBD Oil is a natural remedy used for many common ailments and comes from cannabis. However unlike marijuana, it is not psychoactive. Some of the many benefits it can have for you are...

✨Can relieve chronic pain ✨

✨Can help with feelings of stress and anxiety ✨

✨Can reduce acne or acne scars ✨

✨Can have benefits for heart health ✨

✨Can reduce cancer related problems ✨


Need some calm in that everyday chaos? CBD brand TRIP will help you do just that, boo. With a range of products like CBD oil, cbd infused drinks and cool AF merch, it's clear to see why TRIP are the U.K’s leading premium cbd brand. Why not plan a super Zen evening of yoga, followed by a lush bath and some cbd oil? You will feel totally chilled out, babe. Wanna get in that relaxed out mood? Listen to our ‘And...Relax’ playlist on Spotify. We love a good self-care day, and cbd oil can help you out with that

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