5 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Weekend

Congrats gal, you’ve finally made it to the weekend and what can be better than knowing you’ve got some amazing stuff planned? Whether it’s a spa day, shopping, netflix and chilling on the couch with your bae or heading out out with the girls, we’ve got your top tips on how to make the most of your weekend, babe!

Have Some 'Me' Time

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You've been surrounded by your work babes allllll week, and you're feeling mega worn out. Whether it be that big presentation you've got coming up or you're just feeling like the week's got on top of you, take some 'Me' time this weeknd to relax. Even if it's just watching your fave series, making your go-to meal or putting on a face mask, you do you, babe.

Avoid Your Routines

Deja Vu

Just because you wake up at half 6, wash your face, get changed and start your make up straight away, doesn't mean that you have to do that on the weekend too! Break out of your routines at the weekend to avoid living your very own Groundhog Day. Déjà who?

Do Your Monday Jobs On Friday


Stop bringing Monday into your weekend, babe! Meal prep for Monday on Friday evening when you're still in work mode and pick out your workwear ready for when Monday rolls round again. That way, you avoid all those negative vibes associated with Monday while you're still living your best life on the weekend. Simple!

Spa It Up

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Everyone deserves to relax, right? If you've been feeling super stressed out at work and need some time to chill, why not head to a spa? Be super boujee and head out to find the best day spa or be a baller on a budget and pick up some face makes, cucumber and cheap prosecco to make the most of your spa weekend.

Make The Most Of Schedules

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Know that this weekend is the only time that you can meet up with the girls or see the fam? Make the most of peoples schedules and plan your time accordingly around what times everyone is free.

Ready to be super chill this weekend? We don't blame you, girl! Check out our New In section for some of the dreamy 'fits you could be wearing this weekend. Tag us with the hash #luxegal for your chance to be featured right here!

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