July Reads: Our Fave Books ATM

We all love a good book, ain’t that right gals? Whether you are into romance novels that help you escape from reality and go back in time, or you enjoy factual and educational books that help you grow as a person, take a peek at our fave’ books for you to add to your July reads! Whether you are reading for pleasure or wanna find that perfect book for your host week at book club, we highly recommend each of these books and what they stand for!

Order a takeaway, slip into some cosy loungewear, and sit back and relax with a good book!

Women Don’t Owe You Pretty - Florence Given

Going through a break-up? Wanna dismantle the patriarchy? Wanna check your own white privilege? Then you need to read Florence Given’s debut book, ‘Women Don’t Owe You Pretty.” This book is the perfect go-to if you want an introduction into a feminism that is cemented in acknowledging your own privileges, getting rid of that internalized bias we all have, and learning to love the bloody hell outta’ yourself. Filled with both text and her very own artwork, this book is deffo’ one to read and to pass around your squad. Have a July full of education and self-love with Floss’ “Women Don’t Owe You Pretty.”

I Am Not Your Baby Mother - Candice Braithewaite

Blogger Candice Braithewaite has transcended her hard hitting and beautifully constructed insta’ captions into her very first book, “I Am Not Your Baby Mother.” In this part-memoir, part-manifesto, Candice explores black motherhood and how we as a predominantly white society speak and talk about motherhood on social media platforms, giving no room for BAME mothers to be a part of that. Candice is also the founder of online platform @makemotherhooddiverse. This book is deffo’ a read for all women, both new and experienced mums alike. This week’s book club choice? Sorted.

City Of Girls - Elizabeth Gilbert

If you have ever felt nostalgic for a time and place that you have never experienced or lived through, then City Of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert will deffo’ give you those feels. Set in 1940s new York, the story is narrated by a forward thinking heroine of her time, and is the perfect novel to feel like you’ve gone back in time!

Poverty Safari: Understanding The Anger of Britain’s Underclass by Darren McGarvey

Eye-opening, educating and critical reading, Poverty Safari: Understanding The Anger of Britain’s Underclass by Darren McGarvey is a must-read for every British person. If you wanna keep up the momentum and make sure you stay educated, and check up on your own privileges, then this book is the perf’ place to start.

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