Self Love Self Preservation Self Isolation

A bit of a deep read here girls! Lets get emotional. Life isn't always easy and it is important to acknowledge this, understand this and learn from this. Here at Femme Luxe, we aren’t just about looking good, we want our #LUXEGALS to feel good. So during this isolation period, let’s take some time to reflect and chat about a couple things.

It's all good and well looking hot in your new outfits, but we want you to feel good wearing them. We’ve got the ultimate guide on how to look after number 1. It is important to feel loved and cared for however what's more important than that is to love yourselves cus “if you don't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else? Can I get an Amen up in here?” (Yes, that is a RuPaul quote).


Self love is essential in today's society! With everything that is going on in the world ATM you need to take the time out to learn to love every inch of yourself. List the things you love about yourself, not just physically (yes, you are a hot piece of ass) but mentally as well. Look at all the things you have overcome and achieved. Bet you never thought you would get over that heartbreak, bet you never thought you'd smash that qualification, bet you struggled to get through loads of things but you did. Pat yourself on the back girlfriend.

Self Care

Take time to look after yourself. Treat yourself, get yourself some new jammies (who doesn't love a fresh set of jammas). One evening/every evening, put on a face mask (we have some lush toiletries here), your favourite music (we recommend the Jhené Aiko album) whack on some new pjs or a cute tracksuit and chill. Another self love tip is to listen to motivational podcasts, they’re amaze because it can train your mind to think more positively. If you prefer to read, then there are some amazing self love books that you can read Why not try meditation? There are some super useful Youtube videos online. You make your own happiness. Do things for you babe.

Stop Speaking Or Speak Up

Protect your energy, if there are certain things or people that are having a negative impact on your life, distance yourself. Sometimes that is easier said than done, but it could be a gradual process. Once that negative energy has left your life, reflect on it and appreciate it. That being said, take the time to appreciate those that have supported you and encouraged you to be the best you. Keep these people around you, they are the people you need to share your energy with. Open up to them and make these people your go-to for a pick me up. Speaking about your issues helps, take it from us, a problem shared is a problem solved.

Nourish Your Body Not Just Your Mind

When we have a lot on our mind it is so easy to reach for a packet of crisps (or seven), a pizza or some junk food, but girl put down the snacks. Stock up on fresh fruit and veg, so that is easily accessible whenever you fancy snackin’. It'll give you a boost of energy and you won't regret eating it after, not just that it's well tasty. Positivity is key, it's a cliche but a positive mindset can get you through anything baby girl. Speak these words to yourself: I am powerful, I am a strong woman YASSSS. Walk with confidence, strut your stuff and let that inner power shine. Get it gurl!

It always helps to look good in order to feel good, so here's those links for our super cute jammies, tracksuit and toiletries.

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