The Best Lip Balm For Summer

Pucker up, babe! The best way to take care of your lips and to make sure they are always glossy AF is by adding the best lip balm for summer to your daily beauty routine. Whether you need to lock in some moisture, add some plumpness to your pout or give your lips lil’ tint, our exclusive list of the best lip balm products will have you smiling all summer. From cheap lip balm products you’ll find in your local Superdrug to boujee lip balms that are guaranteed to make your lips irresistible, make sure you stock up on the best lip balm products this summer.

Burt’s Bees Lip Balm

A classic lip balm to add to your beauty cabinet or bag, if Burt’s Bees Lip Balm is good enough for Kendall Jenner then we want in! Their Lip Treatment Bundle is known for being the ‘ultimate 3 step routine for smooth, soft and naturally nourished lips.’ Whether you wanna add a natural glow to your face on a no makeup day or give yourself a deeper treatment with a lip scrub on your weekly pamper night, Burt’s Bees Lip Balm is definitely one of the best lip balm products in the game. 

Carmex Lip Balm 

‘Cos sometimes basic is better. Who needs a boujee or expensive lip balm when Carmex Lip Balm  is a major player in the lip hydration game. A staple in any makeup bag, we are long time lovers of Carmex Lip Balm. Whether you go for the classic product or a cherry infused scent, this is deffo’ one of the best lip balm products to add to your life this summer. Thick and effective, this lip balm looks good on either bare lips or lightly over your fave lipstick.  

Nivea Lip Balm

If you already use Nivea on your skin, then it will come as no surprise that Nivea Lip Balm is one of the best lip balm products in the game. Silky and smooth, Nivea Lip Balm isn’t just a want but a need. Available in a range of different scents, we are currently obsessing over the 2 in 1 Caring Lip Scrub With Rose Hip Oil for giving our lips some overdue TLC. This is also the best lip balm with SPF for protection against the sun. So it’s time to book that vacay and lather up, babe!

EOS Lip Balm 

If you went through a Pinterest girl phase, then you definitely owned a whole drawer full of EOS lip balm products. We don’t blame you either babe, ‘cos these fruity and fun compacts make for the best lip balm purchase! Coming in a range of different colours and scents, not only are EOS lip balms amazing for your lips, they are also aesthetically pleasing AF. Whether you place them proudly on your bedside table or they are a must-have for your tote bag, why not relive your Pinterest girl days when you add one of the best lip balm products to your beauty regime?

Still looking for the best lip balm for summer? We are huge fans of Nars After Glow Lip Balm & Glossier Lip Balm too. Although a lil’ more expensive, you’ll be converted as soon as these lip balm products touch your lips! 

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