Ways To Be More Positive

Queen of complaining? Love a good moan? Feeling pretty negs in general? We’re all a lil guilty of being less than positive sometimes. If you’re after some ways to inject a little positivity into your life, it could be easier than you think. There are so many simple ways to be more positive, try a few of these and watch yourself transform from stroppy to smiley in a couple of days!

Do A Good Deed

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Add a bit of extra happiness into your day by doing a good deed for a stranger, friend or coworker. Is one of your girls going through a tough time with bae? Drop her a cute text and offer to take her out for pizza (the answer to all of life’s problems). Compliment a stranger or book in for some volunteering slots for extra feelgood feels.

You Are What You Eat

healthty food

It’s a well known fact that healthy food equals good mood food, so fill that fridge will nutrient rich fruit and veggies to give yourself a makeover from the inside out. Prefer choc to carrots? Try adding more fruit and veg into your diet with fresh, homemade smoothies. Throw in spinach as a base and add your fave fruits for a green goddess smoothie, next thing you know you’ll be a morning person!

Love Yourself

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In the words of Ru Paul, "if you can't love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else?!". Self love is super important for creating positive vibes from the inside out. Everytime you catch yourself being negative about yourself, your body or your past decisions, stay positive. Know that you're doing the best you can, that you're a fabulous person and totally beautiful in every way!

Be Grateful


It’s easy to think about all the things you don’t have, which can cause those negative vibes to creep in. Switch it up and make a list of all the things that you’re grateful for. If you’ve got a roof over your head, food to eat and clean clothes, you’re a lot better off than so many people out there, so count your blessings and think positively about all your blessings, no matter how small!

Swap Your Thoughts


Find yourself constantly thinking negative thoughts? Whether it’s judging other people, putting yourself down, or just thinking negatively in general, try to consciously swap every negative thought for a positive thought.

Catch Some Zzzs


Let’s face it, nobody is a positive person after a bad night's sleep! Beauty sleep is everything, girl. You’ll feel ready to take on the world after a good snooze. Create the ultimate sleep sanctuary with your fave candles, fresh washed sheets and a sleep mask. You’ll wake up to a whole new you!

Carefully Select Your Circle

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Take a good look at the people around you, if your friends are constantly complaining or putting themselves and others down, chances are you’re gonna soak up those vibes like a sponge. Give ‘em some positivity tips and see if they can change their ways, or just distance yourself altogether for the sake of your mental health. You’ll be surprised at how many new friends you attract with your new, positive mindset!


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