What We’ll be Doing When Lockdown Ends on June 21st

Thanks to Boris Johnson’s latest lockdown news, the UK officially has a date for when lockdown ends, and in true Brit style, there’s already a petition making its rounds to make June 21st a bank holiday - I mean, can you blame them? Nevertheless, like most of the UK, we’re already popping the bubbly! According to the out-of-lockdown roadmap presented on Monday, June 21st is set to see the removal of all legal social contact limitations. In other words: the UK will have unrestricted access to do whatever the f*ck they want (within reason, obvs). And with it being nearly one whole year since the start of lockdown, you can bet we’re thirsty for those 2-for-1 cocktails with the squad. So now that we have 4 months to perfect our post-lockdown debut and with squad chats everywhere pinging with plans, it's high time to get our summer 2021 diary filled with fun. Revealing what we’ll be doing when lockdown ends on June 21st, prepare to stop scrolling through things to do during lockdown and get ready to p-a-r-t-y!

Drinks - Day and Night


We’re not kidding either. Do you know how many photo opps we’ve missed in the past year? Our feed is looking drier than the Sahara and even though recycling is good - when it comes to the trash - there’s only so many throwbacks we can keep posting. Following the lockdown announcement, on June 21st you can expect to see us wearing our blessed dressed garms (that we’ve been collecting all damn year BTW) and snapping a pic (or dozen) next to our Pornstar Martini tree. Drunken stories on Insta? You bet. And guess what? We won’t be sorry either!

Brunches, Lunches and Dinner - oh MY!

Whilst we’re totally out of things to do in lockdown, the government’s February lockdown update has given us a new sense of hope. Whether you’ve spent weekends cooking for yourselves - kudos to you - or you’ve been like us and become on first-name terms with your Deliveroo driver, I think we can all agree that we’ve sorely missed our brunches with the girls. Want to know what we’ll be doing when lockdown ends? Weekly brunches, lunches and dinners. All three in a day if we have to! To put it bluntly, we’ll be rinsing anything that involves food, alcohol, dressing up like a queen and, of course, fabulous company.

Old School Dating (A.K.A. meeting up IN A BAR)

Dating during lockdown has been, er, interesting to say the least. Getting 50% dressed for virtual dates via Zoom, getting drunk (nearly) solo, not to mention the absolutely zero chances of securing a cheeky kiss at the end of the night; yep, you could say we’re ready to leave it firmly behind. Instead of scrolling tirelessly through lockdown date ideas, we’ll be arranging a quick meetup at our fave bar and relish every moment of staring woozily into our crushes eyes and enjoying the clumsy and drunken s*x that comes after.

Anything and EVERYTHING That We Couldn’t do During Lockdown

Whether that’s committing to weekly self-care dates by getting a blow dry, sitting in a coffee shop enjoying the constant hum of chatter, or pencilling time out to see our grandparents, we plan to do anything and everything we couldn’t do during lockdown. Because if this year has taught us anything, it’s that the small things really matter.

So what will you be doing when lockdown ends on June 21st? Whatever your plans, you’re gonna need a few outfit changes, babe. Shop our trending  ‘New In’ for regularly updated looks that are sure to help you fill your feed with style. In the meantime, why not check out our blog page for all kinds of inspo designed to help you ooze those #luxegal vibes. 

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