How To Beat Blue Monday

Feeling blue? We got you, boo! AKA the most ‘depressing day of the year’, Blue Monday is the most mondayest monday, ever. Wondering what is Blue Monday? Usually the third Monday in January, mixing in the post-christmas blues, the dull and gloomy weather and the realisation that you’re probably not going to stick to your New Year resolutions PLUS worrying about Covid, Blue Monday is the worst. With Christmas a distant memory and payday still 2 weeks away, we’ve rounded up our top tips to stay positive and beat the blues this Blue Monday!

Kindness Is Key


Yes, we know that today is the most ‘depressing day of the year, but it’s so important to put your mental and physical well-being first. Whether that be allowing yourself to read your fave book for a little while longer or making a warm hot chocolate to cheer yourself up, kindness is key, girl! If you do feel down today, it’s important to remind yourself that it's perfectly fine to feel this way, considering it is Blue Monday. Feeling exhausted and worn out? Treat yourself to a nap or listen to your fave tunes to take some time to rewind and relax. Whether it be a normal Monday or Blue Monday, take some time to consider YOU!

Health Is Wealth


We can all be guilty of falling into unhealthy habits but trying to strive and maintain healthy eating habits is essential for your state of mind. Been breaking out a lot? If your sugar intake has increased this could be one of the reasons why. Keep yourself looking and feeling healthy by getting in your five a day, girl! Doing your food shop? Category is: Vegetable chic. Fresh ingredients are crucial in healthy eating and a bright plate can be so much more appealing to the eye!

Check Up On Your Friends & Fam


Considering today is Blue Monday, now more than ever it’s important to check up on the mental well-being of your family and friends. Not only can the pressure of it being Monday, being met with a new week and new tasks, being in Lockdown and the added stress of the pandemic can make today seem a whole lot bluer. In need of a major mood boost? Hop on a zoom call with your besties or jump on call with your parents to beat the blues today. Whether it’s just a quick call to catch up on what happened over the weekend, or a 3 hour long Facetime call filled with laughs and reminiscing about all the times we were allowed outside, check up on your special people today.



One of the best ways to feel better about yourself is by working out! I know what you’re probably thinking, how can working out possibly make me feel any better? Well, it’s been proven that physical activity stimulates chemicals in the brain, particularlyit increases your endorphins, dopamine and adrenaline levels, the chemicals which are associated with happiness and confidence. So, even though you’re sweaty and bright red, it’s good for you boo! Grab your workout wear, lay down your exercise mat and get your squat game on point, because now’s the time to hit those HIIT workouts, girl!

Worried about yourself or a friend today? Get help by ringing the NHS 111 number to speak with an official about how you’re feeling. Contact the Mind.Org charity at 0300 123 3393 to speak with a representative if you have been affected by any of the articles mentioned in this blog.

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