Love On Lock: Dating Tips For Lockdown 2.0

Whether virtual dates have got you in a twist or the thought of swiping left or right again is giving you the ick, lockdown dating can be totally exhausting. After we’ve already survived Round One of lockdown and it looks like Round Two is coming back even stronger, if you’re feeling a bit lonely, especially in the run up to Christmas, we’re here to help with our top lockdown dating tips. With online dating feeling more awkward than, how are supposed to build relationships when we lack physical touch? From tips to help spark a convo with that potential new boo to date night ideas that you can do together, get ready for some dating tips for lockdown 2.0.

Know Your Priorities


Know your priorities, girl! Just because you’ve not been able to be with someone for a few months, doesn’t mean that you have to give your all to the first person who responds to you. Take your time and remember; the majority of people that you’re speaking to, are talking to other people too! Don’t let yourself get too attached to people that you’re talking to because chances are, it probably won’t turn into something serious (sorry to break it to you). If you do find yourself with a potential new partner and you’ve got a virtual meetup on the cards then congrats, girl! The best part? If you’re not feeling it and get the ick, you don’t even have to meet up with them!

Don’t Break Lockdown For Someone


I know you might be thinking ‘well everyone is doing it!’, well just because they are, doesn’t mean you have to, babe! Not only are we in a literal pandemic, but you’ve got no idea where this potential new suitor has been or who they’ve seen, we’ve been put into a Lockdown for a reason! We all have the devil on our shoulder sometimes, trying to persuade us to do something we probably shouldn’t, so why not listen to the angel for once and stick to what you know. Don’t be pressured into going to see someone just because they want you to, if they really liked you they wouldn’t try and make you do that.

Plan A Virtual Date Night Together


Creating a virtual date night is so easy! Whether you’re all about those quizzes or wanna do something creative, lockdown date nights don’t have to be boring. Why not plan a date night that involves cooking? If you’re both feeling confident in the kitchen, buy all the ingredients separately, set up the video call and cook the recipe step by step together. Not only is this super fun and hilarious, it’s a nice way to reminisce of your time together in lockdown and also makes for a great first date idea!

It’s Ok To Be Single


Being back in lockdown again is the perfect time to work on yourself. As the GC once said “I’m here to enjoy myself [ … ] I just wanna be me.” Being in a relationship isn’t the be all and end all of life, don’t compare your life to your besties just because they're in a relationship! Self reflection could be the exact thing you’re in need of a girl! Whether it be realising that you go for the wrong type of person or maybe it’s time for a mini glow up for YOU, all good things come to those who wait, boo.

Whether you wanna spend lockdown by yourself or you've got love on the brain, our virtual dating tips for lockdown will make sure that you've got love on top, boo!

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