Your October Horoscope

Hey ghoul-friends, we hope you’re ready to take on the spookiest month of the year (as if it could possibly get worse) with the help of our October horoscope. If you’re wanting to suck up some luck after a truly gruesome year, our horoscope 2020 is about to take you to your very own utopia. It’s time to get even and find out what libra season has in store for you; with a personalised love horoscope to find out if they’re your blood type and a monthly horoscope to help you slay one step ahead, you’re about to have a fa-boo-less month! Read on to find out what your October zodiac has in store for you!

Been feeling a lil frustrated recently, Aries? There's a reason for that! Whether you’ve not been getting the attention from that f*ck boy - trust us, that doesn’t matter - or you feel as if a project has hit a dead end, it’s almost time to get back on the saddle. Sometimes bad things just happen to good people, boo. This month will be all about focusing on yourself and getting ready to create the best version of you there can be. Cut ties with loose ends and focus on what really matters. Make a list of all the things you want out of life, meet with a friend for a drink, or simply plan ahead for the future. By the end of the month you’ll defo have your goals in check! 

Single AF, Taurus? Not for much longer! Our trusty cosmos have given us expert knowledge that your October horoscope is lookin’ pretty, well, full of love. Serial dater? Your love horoscope predicts that you could be about to meet the love of your life - or close enough. Say yes to that date and open your heart to those who want to wander. But don’t get too confident, boo, not everyone has your best interests in mind! Whilst things should be full of romance for you this month, don’t let whatever’s been dragging you down hold you hostage. Start a journal, buy a self-help book or get familiar with meditation and let go of those anxious thoughts. You’re gonna be just fine!

They say good things come in small packages, and whilst there may be 31 days in October, your monthly horoscope suggests there’s gonna be tons of positive vibes this month. Family dramas? Don’t know her! You’re gonna be at one with your personal life this month, babe, with domestic issues set to dissolve. Expecting romance? Be prepared for a knock on the door from Venus and allow your love life to soar. Whether you’re in a long-term relationship or are looking for love, the middle of the month is set to be filled with abundance, so be sure to take time out to practice a few acts of self-care. After all, if you can’t love yourself, how the h*ll you gonna love somebody else? 

Ready to hear what your horoscope 2020 has in store for you, Cancer? Since you’re loyal AF, there’s absolutely no reason your love life should suffer this month, with a reassuring affirmation from an existing partner or crush set to develop your relationship further. Be sure to stock up on Netflix series ready to binge as you ‘chill’ with your bae. For boss babes worrying about their career this month, your October horoscope suggests this is to be expected. Feud with a colleague? Or are you questioning your overall career direction? Take time this month to find out exactly why work has been so stressful. Is it possible it could blow over? Whatever it is, a night out with the squad should defo be on the cards! Who’s bringing the fizz?

Does someone have money on their mind, Leo? Or is your October monthly horoscope predicting a serious flow of cash coming your way? Congrats, it’s (basically) all good news, doll! You’re nailing it in work and life, and are really impressing the right people. Had your eyes on a promotion? We thought so! This month could be a great time to get the ball rolling - you do deserve it, boo! Treat yourself and put that credit card to work by adding those few home improvements to really get your home ready for cosy season. If you’ve been feelin’ a lil bummed out lately, then this is totally about to change. Hang in there and the rewards will speak for themselves!

Wanna know what your 2020 horoscope has in store for you, Virgo? Being a total boss babe, hustling hard is in your DNA, and there’s been a lot of that going on lately. If you’ve been feeling a lil under-appreciated then all that’s about to change! According to your virgo horoscope, you should expect that raise you’ve been after, or welcome a compliment from a friend for all the killer things you’ve been up to lately. Whilst your love life is expected to be on top form, with your communication sector soaring, you’re gonna need to take some time out for yourself. Don’t get too caught up in your emotions though! Any stressful or overwhelming thoughts can be controlled by enjoying a few drinks over Facetime with the squad.

Bring the balloons and a bottle of bubbly ‘coz it’s officially Libra season! This month is all about you, babe, so get ready to hit pause on all those probs and focus entirely on number one - you. Whilst you won’t be going all out party, you’ll find solace in more intimate plans with your closest gals. Love life taken a dip? That’s totally okay, boo! Whilst you’re no doubt a total romantic, you’re having more chances to get to know yourself and find out exactly what you want in a bae. Forget f*ck boys, you’re on your ultimate road to self-discovery! Even though things haven’t been great so far, girl, things are defo gonna start looking up this month. Own it! 

Got that feelin’ that everything’s gonna be just fine? Your Scorpio horoscope 2020 isn’t kidding! You’ve been channelling some major mega babe energy this month, girl, which is probs why you’ve been feelin’ a lil more on top form than usual. If you’re in a relationship, then the cosmos suggest that your love life is totally heading in the right direction, so don’t be put off by any minor disputes, they’ll all be resolved! Single and looking for love? Since everything else in your life is in check - see, boss babe goals - a potential partner could be the cherry on top of an already fabulous life. Take advantage of that ‘friend of a friend’ and really get to know them! Perhaps a zoom quiz with a few Halloween drinks is in order? Ghoul get ‘em! 

Ambitious and practical, you know exactly what a good job looks like and are always going above and beyond to help your work squad. You’re an absolute goal-getter, babe, and your horoscope 2020 knows this too. Whilst you may be content with taking on many challenging projects at once, this isn’t always sustainable and it’s possible you’ll feel burnt out. If your diary is filled with deadlines, then be sure to take time to throw on a face mask, enjoy a hot bath or simply grab a glass of wine and binge your fave Netflix show. Whilst there may be a few probs at home, your monthly horoscope would like to remind you that your besties are your rock. Use them to unload, after all a problem shared is a problem halved.  

Whilst you’re usually pretty easy going, it’s likely that you’re gonna spend a bit of time reflecting this month. If you’ve been dismissing a few minor issues to keep the peace, now’s a good time to think about approaching that topic. Call a meeting at work if you’re unhappy, and stand your ground with dominant colleagues. You’ve totally got this. Luckily, your Aquarius horoscope isn’t looking all that bleak! Whilst your passion for romance may be on hold, all that thinking needs an outlet, hun. Call upon a few close friends, cook a dinner for the gang and have a wholesome night filled with friends and fun. 

Found yourself online shopping a lil too much lately? Being a total shopaholic, you sometimes find controlling your finances difficult. But when you work as hard as you do, treating yourself to a new bag is just all the more tempting! Speaking of work - do you even know what you’re capable of, babe?! If work’s been making you feel a tad underwhelmed, then this month is all about brushing off those negative vibes and just doing YOU. Get on top of your goals and put a plan in place on where you’d like to be by the end of the year. Forget vibes that aren’t serving you any longer and focus on empowering yourself! Self-love QUEEN! 

Inspired yet? Why not check out our ‘New In’ collection for a fresh new look to start off your month. Since we're all about raising hell this month, be sure to shop all things haunted with our 'Hallowqween' collection. You’re gonna look bloomin’ beautiful, babes, so don’t forget to use the #luxegal hashtag for a chance to be featured on our page. 

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